Monday, July 30, 2012

To Eat it or Not to Eat it? That is the Question.

Hamburger, french fries, and a large soda? Or, a leafy green salad with a vinaigrette dressing on the side, grilled chicken breasts, and a water? Candy bar or apple? Potato chips or raw almonds?

Sometimes it seems like the choice is just too hard to make. And sometimes we feel pressed for time, and tell ourselves that the "fattier" snack/meal is faster and more convenient. This is a myth folks! A big fat myth! Granted, there are meals that take a bit more in preparation, but not everything healthy takes a year and a day to prepare. And another myth: "Healthy food tastes like cardboard." Again folks, it is all in how it is prepared. You will be surprised how tasty healthy options are. And then, sometimes we just don't know what to choose as a healthy options.

I want to share with you some "go-to" healthy snacks, and some healthier meal options. I want to show those of you who aren't sure of what to pick when looking for healthy food options, that it doesn't have to complicated and flavorless.

Some of my favorite go-to snacks are raw almonds (Blue Diamond is the brand I choose), sliced apple with all-natural peanut butter (make sure your peanut butter doesn't contain any hydrogenated oils...partially or fully hydrogenated), cheese, grapes, strawberries, whole wheat crackers (again read the label and make sure no hydrogenated oils have made the ingredients list), granola bars (make sure they are made with natural ingredients...I like Nature's Valley, Kashi, and Cliff Bar brands) and celery sticks with all-natural peanut butter.  These are all quick, healthy snack options that are packed full of flavor. If you are on the go a lot, then make little snack bags (of a serving size) of your snack choice, and throw it in your bag or car so that you will always have a healthy snack on hand. Also, when you are sending your kids' snacks with them to school (notice I didn't say sending snack money), these are all great options. And please, please, please don't send juice with your kids to go along with their snack. (I could do a whole blog post dedicated to kids' snacks and lunches.) A 4 oz. serving of 100% pure fruit is about all a kid needs per day, as far as juice drinking goes. Instead of sending that sugary juice, pack water. And I don't want to hear that your kid doesn't like water. If your child is truly thirsty, then he/she will drink the water. My daughter hears that a lot in our house.

As far as healthy meal options go, choose to bake instead of fry. If you have a grill, utilize it. A steamer is a great investment to have. I use my steamer a lot to steam veggies, and I have used it to steam chicken as well. One healthy quick lunch that can be done in the steamer is boneless, skinless (yep that skin has got to go) chicken breasts, squash, and zucchini. Quick, easy, and delicious! Also, start using olive oil or coconut oil to cook with, instead of vegetable oil or canola oil. Start using all natural or organic ingredients, and food products. You can still find deals on these items. If the cost of organic is still out of your budget for now, at least choose one food item that you will buy organic (milk is what I would push for). Ok, I am seeing that I am getting on a tangent here, so back to healthy meal options. Buy magazines, go online, ask friends for healthy recipes. If your family is picky when it comes to veggies, then look for recipes (healthy ones) that might add a bit more flavor than usual. and are two great online resources for meal ideas. Stay away from recipes that have the words "smothered" or "covered."

Really, I could go on and on, but I feel that this post is becoming more of a novel that a blog post. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me. I will be happy to help you in any way I can. Remember folks, eating healthy doesn't have to complicated or boring. Happy healthy eating!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Turner Dinner Menu for the Week

I have been looking over blogs, magazines, and the web for new supper ideas to cook. I have to admit that I had gotten into a rut with my cooking. It seemed as if every week I was cooking the same thing. To me that can get, well, boring. So, I got tired of the same boring menu for each week, and decided that I would go "treasure hunting" to find new recipes to prepare.

I should probably tell you guys, as well, that our family doesn't eat a lot of red meat, and I don't fry food (didn't grow up on, makes me feel icky, and frankly I hate the mess). I also have a few picky eaters in the house, so my treasure hunt didn't lead me into any exotic places (yet, anyway.....I mean, if I don't tell them what is in it they might actually like it).

So, why am I sharing all of this with you guys? I thought that maybe I might could help some other "stuck-stuck-in-a-rut" cooker out there, so I wanted to share our supper menu for this week. And I will even share with you where I got these yummy ideas from. So, here is Turner Menu #1! Enjoy!

Turner Supper Menu #1

Monday: Italian Pork chops (found online:
               Brown rice
               Baby Lima Beans

Tuesday: Cube Steak (I will use the recipe for Shaun T's Easy Sirloin Tip Roast found in Thin Kitchen           Recipe Book, just using the Cube Steak in place of Roast)

Wednesday: Turkey Sausage & Red Bean Stew (

Thursday:  Italian Cream Cheese Chicken (

Friday: Sloppy Joes (
             Baked Sweet Potato Fries (Alexia Brand found in frozen section of your grocery store)

* I also have found to be a great blog to find delicious dishes! I prepared three recipes from this blog last week, and plan to prepare more recipes from here.

So, what are some supper meals for your menu this week?

Monday, July 23, 2012

You Are Beautiful

I am sure we have all at some point, looked at someone else walking by and thought to ourselves, "Why can't I look like that?" I am sure we have flipped through magazines, looking at all the "beautiful people" on the pages, and compared ourselves with them. Shoot, we may even have a close friend or a relative who we have compared ourselves with, but the comparison game gets us nowhere. It doesn't change how we look. It doesn't make us feel good, and it doesn't help us to see the beauty in ourselves or in other people. Yes, I said beauty. You are beautiful, friend! And those people whom you have compared yourself with, are beautiful too. 

We all created differently, and that means that even our body types are different. We each have our own design make-up that makes us unique and us. Just because I may not be 5'11" doesn't mean I am any less beautiful. Just because I don't look like I stepped out of Vogue magazine doesn't mean I am not beautiful. Again, we all have different body types. I cannot look like Heidi Klum. Why? Because Heidi Klum is well, Heidi Klum. She was created to be who she is, and I was created to be who I am. I am short (tiny but mighty, baby), and that will not change. I have blue eyes, brown hair, and small frame. That is how I was created. Can I do things to improve my health and appearance? Absolutely. But can I  do anything to make myself into Heidi Klum? Absolutely, positively not! 

I workout and eat healthy, because I want to be the best ME I can be. I don't workout or eat healthy so that I can look like someone else. I do it for me. I do it for my family. I do it to take care of the body that God has given me. So, why do I say all this? I say all this to encourage you to be the best YOU that you can be. Stop playing the comparison game, and start loving who were created to be. You were fearfully and wonderfully made, and you are beautiful!