Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Which Workout is Best for Me?

We all know that working out is good for us. We know that any form of staying active helps to keep us healthy and fit. But sometimes, deciding what type of workout to do can be a bit difficult. We see other people jumping on board with certain workouts and really killing it, but when we try that same workout it just doesn't give us the "Wow factor." This begins, what can be, a disheartening journey of trying to be active but eventually just throwing in the towel. I know about this all too well. I have done it. I have seen others do it.
"Yoga looks nice, so let's give that a try. Nope. Not for me. Ooooo, pilates! Maybe that's MY workout. No way! Check out the guns on Tony Horton! I want to do P90X! Oh no! There's no way I can do what he does. Oh wait, check out that guy's abs! Man, Shaun T. knows what he's talking about! What?!? He wants me to do that? He's crazy." And the list goes on and on. Why is that? I mean, if working out is good for us why are there so many of us throwing in the towel and deciding against it?
I think it is because we aren't setting our goals. We aren't evaluating what it is we want. Yes, we want to be healthy and fit. That's a given. But what are the specific goals? What is it that we want this workout to do for us? What are we wanting out of it? What are the results we want? And then we also have to ask ourselves, what motivates us? What are the things we enjoy doing? If you don't enjoy more of a slow paced workout, then pilates and yoga are probably not for you. If you don't enjoy working out with weights, then P90X isn't the right choice for you. If you are just starting out in your workout journey, then Insanity is not for you. Know your goals. Know the results you want. Know your abilities. Know what drives you and gets you going. If you have found yourself easily bored with a certain type of workout, then go in a different direction. If you like to dance and like more of a fast paced workout, then go with something like Turbo Fire or Zumba or Turbo Jam. If you want to do a little strength training, try Chalean Extreme. If you are wanting to be pushed and challenged, and you have the endurance and capability, then go ahead and take on P90x or Insanity.

Folks, there is a workout for EVERYBODY! Don't try to pull the whole, "There's not any workout out there for me," excuse. You've just been going about it all wrong. So, before committing to that new workout, first sit down and write down your goals. Write down what you want. Be honest. Write down the results you want to see. Second, be honest enough with yourself to know you. Know your limits. Know your capabilities. Know your level (beginner, intermediate, advanced). Third, know what drives you. Know what keeps your attention and keeps you focused. And last, use all of the info to help you best select the right workout for you and then CRUSH IT!

I would love to help you with your health and fitness journey. If you have any questions, or would like to have me as your coach please email me at jaclynturner1@beachbodycoach.com

Grace & Peace, Jac

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